


原 則

  1. 我們尊主為大、高舉耶穌基督,以祂為那身體的元首。
  2. 我們尊崇聖經,以它為獨一、神聖的啟示,並以它作一切教訓及實行的根基。
  3. 我們承認並尊重:所有的地方教會是那獨一身體的顯出。
  4. 我們愛主,我們愛主的恢復,也和在基督裡的弟兄們彼此相愛。
  5. 我們的首要之務是保守那靈的一。
  6. 在主的恢復裡,我們包容教會生活的特殊性及一般性,不企求統一。
  7. 我們視倪柝聲和李常受為我們在主裡的屬靈父親。他們的職事建構了今日恢復中教訓和帶領的基礎。
  8. 我們應當尊重、尊敬並欣賞彼此在新約職事中的職分及功用。

應 用

  1. 在我們所共有的交通裡,我們當運用寬容、愛心、溫柔和赦免來處理所面臨的難處。
  2. 在我們各種的傳講裡,無論是私下的、公開的或全球性的,都應避免公開指控和含沙射影。
  3. 無論何時,我們都應該尋求合宜的路,使弟兄們中間的交通,保持暢通。
  4. 我們應當拋棄消極的,轉而強調積極的。
  5. 在我們彼此的關係裡,「直接的溝通」是非常必要的。
  6. 我們應當藉由持續的、個人的、面對面的交通,來尋求解決難處的路。
  7. 我們彼此不要誤會,而該盡力領會。在所疑惑的事上,要為對方的權益著想。
  8. 我們應當盡力幫助聖徒以及那些被服事的人,來保守那靈的一,並對所有的教會、聖徒、長老和同工說出美言。
Bill Barker



Ron Kangas



Ed Marks

Paul Neider

Benson Phillips

Jim Reetzke

Dick Taylor

Dan Towle




 We, the brothers who attended the fellowship in Phoenix, Arizona on February 7-9, 2003, want to express some principles and applications that came out of our fellowship. We consider these as working guidelines for our living, service, and fellowship. These are humbly presented to the other saints for the help they can render. We have no intention for this to be taken as a final pronouncement nor as something to bind others.


  1. We honor and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ as the Head of the Body.
  2. We honor and regard the Bible as the unique divine revelation and foundation for all teaching and practice.
  3. We acknowledge and respect all the local churches as expressions of the one Body.
  4. We love the Lord, we love the Lord’s recovery and we love one another as brothers in Christ.
  5. Our top priority is to keep the oneness of the Spirit.
  6. In the Lord’s recovery we hold to the speciality and generality of the church life without expecting uniformity.
  7. We acknowledge Watchman Nee and Witness Lee as our spiritual fathers in the Lord whose ministries constitute the basis for the teaching and leading in the recovery today.
  8. We should respect, honor, and appreciate one another’s portion and function in the New Testament ministry.


  1. In whatever fellowship we have, we should exercise forbearance, love, meekness, and forgiveness as we work through problems that confront us.
  2. In all of our speaking-privately, publicly, and globally-we should refrain from indictments and innuendos.
  3. At all times we should find ways to keep open lines of fellowship among the brothers.
  4. We should let go of the negative and, in turn, emphasize the positive.
  5. Direct communication is imperative in all our relationships.
  6. We should look for resolution of problems through constant, personal, face-to-face fellowship.
  7. We should try not to misunderstand one another but to understand by giving each other the benefit of the doubt.
  8. We should endeavor to help the saints and those with whom we serve to keep the oneness of the Spirit and to speak well of all the churches, saints, elders, and co-workers.
Bill Barker

Minoru Chen

Titus Chu

Ron Kangas

James Lee

Albert Lim

Ed Marks

Paul Neider

Benson Phillips

Jim Reetzke

Dick Taylor

Dan Towle

James Yang

Andrew Yu